Dr. Jim Taylor’s Blog
Welcome to Dr. Jim Taylor’s blog! Its goal is to inspire, inform, and transform with ideas, perspectives, insights, and tools that can change your thinking, your performances, and your life.
Triathlon’s Holy Grail: Increase Your Effort & Decrease Your Pain in Training and Races
The goal for every determined triathlete—the Holy Grail of our sport, you might say—is the ability to maintain or even [...]
Season-ending Injuries on the World Cup are Alarming (and How to Prevent Them)
What do Mikaela Shiffrin, Aleksander Aamodt Kilde, Petra Vlhova, Alexis Pinturalt, Sofia Goggia, Corinne Sutter, Marco Schwartz, and several other [...]
The Psychology of Sports Technology: Wetsuits
When triathletes think about technology, they typically think about HR monitors, bike computers, power meters, GPS, and the like. Yet, [...]
9 “Alignments” for a Healthy Relationship
I always find it amazing that love relationships ever come to fruition and sustain themselves for an extended period of [...]
Meet My Partners for 2024: SYNC Performance Ski Apparel
In today’s installment of Meet My Partners for 2024, I introduce you to SYNC performance ski apparel. SYNC manufactures the [...]
Why I Love eo SwimBETTER: Interview with eo SwimBETTER Chairman
As I noted in my Meet My Partners for 2024: eo SwimBETTER, I have found this cutting-edge swim technology an [...]