Dr. Jim Taylor’s Blog
Welcome to Dr. Jim Taylor’s blog! Its goal is to inspire, inform, and transform with ideas, perspectives, insights, and tools that can change your thinking, your performances, and your life.
1210, 2021
Hit-and-Run Ain’t No Fun: Psychology of a Near-Death Bike Crash
Every cyclist and triathlete recognizes, understands, and accepts the risks they are taking every time they climb into the saddle [...]
510, 2021
Amygdala or Pre-frontal Cortex: Which Would You Rather Use?
Over my decades-long history as both a blogger, author, and public speaker (as well as being a Ph.D. in Psychology [...]
2809, 2021
Inside the Tri-Mind: Mental Rehab of Triathlon Injury
The sad reality of triathlon is that you either have or will have an injury that will keep you way [...]
2509, 2021
Use the Fall for Your Final Push to Race Season
It’s hard to believe that it’s already October. For the World Cuppers (and even some FIS athletes), the race season [...]
2309, 2021
Sprint, Don’t Stagger, to the Finish of Your Triathlon Season
At this late point in the season, you will have fallen into one of three camps as far as how [...]
2109, 2021
Empty Your Emotional Chamber of Pain (Part II)
In my last article, I introduced you to my concept of a "chamber of pain." In this Part II, I [...]