Dr. Jim Taylor’s Blog

Welcome to Dr. Jim Taylor’s blog! Its goal is to inspire, inform, and transform with ideas, perspectives, insights, and tools that can change your thinking, your performances, and your life.

1704, 2023

I Practice What I Preach: Tempering Expectations

Let’s begin with an exercise: I don’t want you to think about a pink elephant. What did you do? Well, [...]

1304, 2023

What Reality are You Living in?

It sure is difficult knowing what’s real these days. We have virtual reality, fake news, ChatGPT, deep fakes, the list [...]

1004, 2023

I Practice What I Preach: Listen to Your Mind

In two recent posts, I discussed the training and race situations in which you want to listen to your body [...]

604, 2023

I Practice What I Preach/Psychology of Sports Technology: My Latest FTP Test

This article offers you a “two-fer!” I will describe my own personal experience with bike fitness testing while also highlighting [...]

304, 2023

New Custom Jakroo Triathlon Suit

I'm beyond thrilled to introduce my new Jakroo "TeamUSA" triathlon suit. This custom-designed kit will be my training and race [...]

304, 2023

I Practice What I Preach: Our Love/Hate Relationship with Training

It’s 5:15am. It’s cold (around 42 degrees), still dark, and I can hear the rain pummeling the roof of my [...]