Dr. Jim Taylor’s Blog

Welcome to Dr. Jim Taylor’s blog! Its goal is to inspire, inform, and transform with ideas, perspectives, insights, and tools that can change your thinking, your performances, and your life.

2712, 2023

Meet My Partners for 2024: Coming Soon!

I'm contacted frequently by sports and technology companies asking me to promote their products. In every single case, I have [...]

2112, 2023

I Practice What I Preach: Focus on Your Weaknesses-Part II: Cycling

In my last I Practice What I Preach article, I described how I will be focusing on my weaknesses—swimming and [...]

1812, 2023

3 Cs to Achieve Positive Life Change

An unfortunate reality of being human is that so much of the way we think, the emotions we feel, the [...]

1312, 2023

I Practice What I Preach: Focus on Your Weaknesses-Part I: Swimming

Following the World Championships in late September, which concluded my 2023 triathlon campaign, I gave my coach, Dr. Greg Rhodes, [...]

1112, 2023

Shift from Training Mode to Race Mode in Your Ski Racing

The 2023-24 alpine race season is now underway. From St. Moritz to Copper to Edouard to many other race venues [...]

3011, 2023

Mikaela Shiffrin has Raised the Bar for Everyone

Over the last few weeks, I’ve noticed quite a bit of concern expressed in the ski racing community about whether [...]