A disagreement I have gotten into with coaches involves whether it is good for players to think about technique right before and during a matches. They argue that if they don’t think about technique they won’t play well. But it is my belief that if you focus on technique you will do that technique well, but your overall game will suffer because you are not thinking about hitting out and playing aggressively.

There is a time and a place for technique. That time is during training. It is here that you question and analyze your tennis and focus on a particular part of your game in order to develop it. By doing this, the new technique becomes, with practice, second nature and it will then help you to play better in matches.

But when a match arrives, you shouldn’t question, doubt, analyze, or get technical. If you do not have a technique down by the time you get to the court, you will not be able to use it effectively in the match. Whatever ability you bring to the match believe in it, and play the best you can with what you have. Simply put, TRUST YOURSELF to play the very best you can on that day.

Remember, “Limits are only what any of us are inside of.”



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