I think it’s unfair to call triathlons triathlons. By its very name, triathlon suggests that there are three events in the sport. However, as we all know, there are two other events that can have a big impact on where you end up in the results at the end of the day. Of course, I’m referring to transitions—T1 and T2, in triathlon parlance—which, most everyone would agree, can play a huge role in the kind of race you have.

At the same time, despite its professed importance, transitions are almost universally neglected or undervalued when it comes to time devoted to perfecting them. I experience both schadenfreude and empathy when I see pro triathletes screw up their transitions, whether dropping their helmet (hello Frodo in the Battle Royale!), stumbling (or crashing) on their flying mounts, doing a face plant on their flying dismounts, taking forever to put their running shoes on, or forgetting their race belt and having to go back for it, just to name a few of the most common fails that even the world’s best triathletes experience in T1 and T2.

I can speak firsthand to the “tragedy” of transitions in my first month of racing this year. First the tragedy. In my first race of the season, a Sprint distance at Stanford, I made three major mistakes that cost me up to at least two minutes across the two transitions. In T1, I was a total “newb” trying get my wetsuit off and my hands were so cold, I couldn’t latch my helmet. Then, upon my arrival in T2, because I was still cold, I couldn’t unlatch my helmet or get my shoes on.

As far as the glory of transitions, I’ve had some of those too. The most exciting example was winning a bronze medal at the World Championships a few years ago by less than one second. In comparing my race times with those of the fourth-place finisher, the difference was in my transitions. And, in general, I often beat people overall by beating them in transitions, not in the swim, bike, or run.

Okay, so it’s not revolutionary to hear that practice will make your transitions faster and problem-free. But let’s be realistic. How often are we going to take the time out of our day to actually set up a transition area and actually practice our transitions? Based on a recent survey I conducted among TeamUSA members, the consensus appears to be Never to Rarely (and I used to be firmly in the Rarely category).

Clearly, there’s a major disconnect here given the professed importance of transitions. So, I would like to share with you some tips that might help you nail your transitions while also not requiring a lot of time, bandwidth, or energy.

KISS Principle

Some races allow a lot of stuff in the transition area, such as mats, towels, folding seats, buckets, and balloons. while others only allow what is absolutely necessary to race, meaning bike, helmet, bike shoes, running shoes, and number belt. The fewer things in your transition area, the less uncertainty and confusion there will be and the easier and more calmly you can complete your transitions.

So, people, reduce your “tri-stuff” in your transitions to the bare minimum. Less clutter, more clarity, smoother transitions!

Create a Routine

Perhaps it seems obvious, but, having watched a lot of triathlons, I see many competitors who don’t seem to have a particular method to their transition madness. Rather, they just arrive at their bike and reach for whatever is within easy reach. This randomness is a recipe for disaster.

Fast transitions are a deliberate process and a skill that takes practice. Ideally, you don’t want to have to think at all during T1 or T2. Having a specific order you follow during each transition saves a lot of cognitive energy, reduces overthinking (which can lead to panic!), and keeps you calm. So, create a specific order that you will follow every time you transition.

Breathe and Focus on Approach

Getting out of the water heading into T1 or dismounting your bike heading into T2 can be really stressful and hectic. You’re often out of breath, your heart is racing, and you feel out of balance. You may be surrounded by a bunch of other triathletes trying to get through transition, so it’s also easy to be distracted by all the activity and even freak out if you get overwhelmed. In that unstable state, you are very likely to “pooch” your transitions and lose a lot of time.

To mitigate all of these negatives, it is really helpful to, first, take control of your breathing. Simply focusing on taking slow, deep breaths as you enter and run through the transition area relaxes your body and centers your mind. It also helps you feel more in control mentally and physically. Second, shift your focus onto your upcoming transition. In your mind’s eye, walk yourself through each step you plan to take when you arrive at your transition spot. This step blocks out distractions and directs your attention to what you will need to do shortly. In other words, you are running your “transition program” one more time before “hitting the Play button.”

Don’t Rush

This is one of the toughest pieces of advice to follow because there is a natural pressure to do just that, RUSH!, because every second counts and everyone else seems to be rushing. Yet, going too fast often leads to slower, rather than faster, transitions because when you rush, your body tightens up, you’re not able to focus, and you actually lose your coordination (and anyone who has ever tried to strip off their wetsuit or put on their running shoes while rushing knows how absolutely spastic you can feel). Go fast, but don’t rush, through your transitions.

Imagery, Imagery, Imagery!

The only way to get good at transitions is through repetition after repetition after repetition. But it’s often difficult to find the time to set up a transition area at home and physically practice transitions. But you can still get tons of repetitions to ingrain a smooth and fast transition by practicing your transitions in your mind’s eye.

Mental imagery is my “superpower” when it comes to nailing my transitions. Basically, it involves seeing and feeling yourself executing fast transitions repeatedly. The great thing about imagining transitions is that you don’t have to set anything up and you can do it in the comfort of your bed or favorite chair (or as you’re standing next to your transition area on race morning). Because it’s hassle-free, it’s much easier to do and you’re more likely to do it.

There are two powerful benefits to using mental imagery to rehearse your transitions. First, you get to practice your T1 and T2 routines, so you can nail down both their order and flow. Second, and most importantly, as with anything, “practice makes proficient,” so all those mental reps of seeing and feeling yourself practicing your transitions ingrain in your mind and body the images and sensations of successful transitions (yes, when you do imagery of a physical skill, your motor programs are triggered, and your body learns).

In the week leading up to all of my “A” races, I imagine myself hitting my transitions at least twice a day, sometimes lying in bed at night, other times while riding my indoor trainer, and still other times while on runs. Once I arrive at and see the race venue and transition area, I really dial in my transitions to match the actual setting (including Bike Out and Bike In, and Run Out and Run In, and bike mount and dismount) and imagine my transitions up to ten times each race day including several times just after setting up my transition (people probably thought I was taking a nap, just standing there with my eyes closed for several minutes) and then just before my races start.

The big takeaway with imagery is that, without investing much time and energy, you can program your transitions in your mind’s eye and ingrain them so deeply into your mind and body that when it’s “go time,” you just run what you’ve programmed and the result will be fast and mistake-free transitions, and faster and more satisfying races.

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