I’m pleased to announce that I’ve recently signed a contract with Rowman & Littlefield (the publisher of my last three books) to write my second self-help book. The tentative title is: Change Your life-inertia: Break Free from Your Past and Take Control of the Four Forces that Propel Your Life Trajectory. As the title indicates, I adopt Newton’s first Law of Motion, Inertia (“An object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force.”), to people (“Law of Life-inertia: “Having once established a life trajectory, people continue on that course unless acted on by a greater force.)

I suggest that people’s lives can feel like asteroids hurtling uncontrollably through space, with their lives often not of their choosing (rather dictated by their upbringings and childhood experiences) and not very healthy. My book shows how people can turn that asteroid into a “starship” that they can gain control of and pilot in the direction of meaning, success, and happiness.

The book will be published in early 2021.

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