25 06, 2020

Build a “Trust Fund” During the Prep Period

By | June 25th, 2020|Categories: Ski Racing|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Trust is one of the most important “muscles” you need to develop during this prep period. All of your efforts related to conditioning, on-snow training, nutrition, equipment testing and preparation, and, of course, mental training is devoted to established a deep level of trust that you can ski your fastest and achieve your goals next [...]

31 03, 2020

Use the COVID-19 Crisis to Become a Better Athlete (and Person)

By | March 31st, 2020|Categories: COVID-19 Crisis, Sports|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Let me begin with a question: What does the COVID-19 crisis have in common with sports? At first blush, you would probably say, “Absolutely nothing!” I mean, really, the current pandemic has created crises of health and financial markets that are disrupting the lives of almost everyone on our planet. People the world over are [...]

18 02, 2020

Overcoming Frustration in Your Ski Racing

By | February 18th, 2020|Categories: Ski Racing|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Frustration may be your most significant obstacle to achieving your goals. Every ski racer, from juniors to Olympians, has experienced the feeling of frustration when you’re not able to do something as you pursue your goals; you feel stuck, get uptight, lose focus, and get discouraged. The best way I can describe the feeling is: [...]

21 10, 2019

Build a Positive and High-performing Ski Team Culture

By | October 21st, 2019|Categories: Ski Racing|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Because ski racing isn’t a team sport in the usual sense of the word, little is attention is given to the influence that individual athletes can have on a ski team, whether healthy or toxic. Nor do we often think about how a team in ski racing can have a significant effect on the performances [...]

5 09, 2019

20% Discount on Online Courses for Ski Racers, Coaches, & Parents

By | September 5th, 2019|Categories: Ski Racing|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Online Courses for Racers, Coaches, & Parents With the summer now over and the oh-so-important fall prep period underway, now is a great time for racers to get their minds in great shape, coaches to sharpen their skills, and parents to be the best they can be as we all prepare for next winter. Good [...]

26 08, 2019

Train Your Mind for Athletic Success Podcast: Episode #7-Obstacles

By | August 26th, 2019|Categories: Train Your Mind for Athletic Success (Podcast)|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Episode #7 of my Train Your Mind for Athletic Success podcast is the first of seven in a series that examines psychological and emotional obstacles that hold athletes back from performing their best, enjoying their sports experiences, and achieving their sports goals. The next series of podcasts will also show you how to remove the [...]

18 07, 2019

Become a Well-educated Ski Racer to Achieve Your Goals

By | July 18th, 2019|Categories: Ski Racing|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

One of the questions I’m asked most frequently from racers, coaches, and parents is: What does it take to be a successful ski racer? For any racer who wants to be their best, this is no easy question, yet one that is worth asking and worth even more to answer. First, let me address how [...]

5 07, 2019

Innovation is Key to Ski Racing Success

By | July 5th, 2019|Categories: Ski Racing|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

I have three favorite sayings when it comes to being the best ski racer you can be. First, “If you want to ski like everyone else, be like everyone else.” In other words, if you want to be a decent ski racer among many, do what they do. Second, an old Texas adage says, “If [...]

14 02, 2019

Seven Fs for Ski Racing Success

By | February 14th, 2019|Categories: Ski Racing|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Hard to believe that we’re about half way through the race season. For some, you’re having a great season and want it to continue. For others, you’re having an okay season and want to improve on it. And for still others, it has been a disappointing season so far and want to turn it around. [...]

12 11, 2018

What Mental Training is Really All About

By | November 12th, 2018|Categories: Ski Racing, Sports|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment

I get several phone and emails a week from parents of athletes who tell me that their young athlete is struggling and it seems to be “mental.” I then ask for more details about what kinds of specific difficulties their kids are having and they have a tough times explaining further. The most common response [...]