31 08, 2023

I Practice What I Preach: There are No “Right” Reasons To Do Triathlons

By | August 31st, 2023|Categories: Cycling, Sports, Triathlon|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Since early 2023, I’ve published a number of articles as part of my “I Practice What I Preach” Series in which I share lessons I’ve learned from my own triathlon racing that might benefit others. Over the last several months, four of my articles have explored how my focus on results has impacted my experience [...]

18 03, 2014

Risk-Taking for Your Children: How Much is Enough?

By | March 18th, 2014|Categories: Parenting|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |2 Comments

Some time ago, I wrote a post about a TED talk in which the speaker recommended that parents allow their children to engage in risky behavior, for example, play with fire, own a pocket knife, throw spears, take apart appliances, and drive a car. I agreed with his views though I also suggested that, because he wasn’t a parent, it was easy for him to say. In contrast, as parents, we all struggle with a fundamental question: How much risk for our children? This question is one I ask myself often because I believe that parents these days are far too protective of their children. Many parents ‘bubble wrap’ their kids with the best of intentions to safeguard them from life’s dangers. I would argue , however, that these parents are actually doing their children a disservice by not allowing them to gain experiences that will build confidence and instill resilience that will be essential for success and happiness later in life. This question arose in my mind over the weekend as my wife and I had some fun adventures with our two daughters (ages 8 and 6). Our girls rode their bikes, swam, and climbed high on play structures. At a more mundane level, we also hung around the house during which time they climbed up on the kitchen counters, cut vegetables with a sharp knife, and helped my wife cook dinner on the stove. Additionally, our daughters rode their scooters on the sidewalk in front of our house and went for a walk around the neighborhood by themselves. Next weekend, we’re going up to the mountains to ski.