Is the COVID-19 crisis and Shelter-in-Place getting you down and/or driving you crazy? Are you feeling like you’re spinning your wheels with your ski racing progress (in other words, not making any!)? Well, join the crowd; it’s frustrating for everyone, to be sure. What is crazy is that the last races of the 2019-20 season would have just ended last weekend (except for some very late races in Scandinavia).
Well, it’s time to end the pity party, stop looking at what’s happening now, and stop focusing on all the things that you’re missing. In the category of “when you have lemons, make lemonade,” it’s time to look ahead and see where you want to be next winter and what it’ll take to get there.
As I’ve noted in previous posts related to COVID-19, sure, you’ve missed out on a bunch of skiing. But this downtime is an incredible opportunity to focus on what is certainly the most neglected aspect of ski racing performance. Of course, I’m talking about mental training. Ask yourself: “Am I as mentally prepared to ski my fastest and achieve my ski racing goals as I could be?” Your answer is likely a resounding “no!” So, what are you waiting for? How about setting yourself a goal of having your mind as strong as your body when you slide in the starting gate of your first race next winter. You’re on board? That’s great. Because I’m here to help!
Beginning Monday, I will be launching my annual Summer Mental Training Series on this blog and on social media. Each week between now and the start of school, I’ll introduce you to the information and tools you can use to be more motivated, confidence, intense, and focused in all aspects of your ski racing. I’ll share with you valuable strategies and exercises that will strengthen your “mental muscles” and toughen your mind, so you get more out of your training and and ski your fastest next winter.
So, see you Monday with your mind all warmed up and ready to get to work mentally. I’ll be with you every step of the way!
Do you want to take the next step in training your mind to ski your fastest next winter? Take a look at my online mental training courses designed just for ski racers. Or perhaps you want personalized mental training. If so, check out my 1:1 sessions, by skype or in person.
Note: I’m currently offering a 25% COVID-19 discount (code: Now is the Time-25% discount) on all of my online courses!