Ironman is the ultimate in triathlon competition. It’s the “poster child” by which triathlon is known to the world at large. When I began doing triathlons, almost every non-tri person I met would ask if I had done an Ironman (that’s all they knew), as if that is the only badge of honor in our sport. Within triathlon, Ironman competitors are accorded a certain reverence. Because of its status, the pull of doing an Ironman is strong for any triathlete who takes his or her participation seriously. Putting in the training time, going the distance, crossing the line as an Ironman finisher (even qualifying for Kona!) are all heady stuff that can act as a Siren’s call for triathletes.
Particularly coming off the covid-interrupted 2020 season, you may feel this draw to be an Ironman even more strongly as it appears that the 2021 season may be “full on,” which for triathletes is the only medicine we really need.
But should you do an Ironman? Though training for and finishing an Ironman can be a positive, life-enriching experience, it can also be a source of personal, work, and social stress, a cause of injuries and other health problems, and a less than satisfying experience in which the costs outweigh the benefits. As a two-time Ironman finisher and a sport psychologist who works with triathletes, I encourage you to give careful thought to this question to make sure that, if you choose to do an Ironman, you do it for reasons that are healthy and beneficial.
To help you decide whether you should do an Ironman, I’ve written a two-part series exploring what I have found to be the most important issues to consider (you can read Part I here). In this second part of the series, I’ll explore the “wrong” and “right” reasons for doing an Ironman.
“Wrong” Reasons
We live in a ‘more is better’ society. Triathletes can get in the trap of “If I feel good doing an Olympic distance, I’ll feel even better doing a half-Ironman. And if I feel that good doing a half, I’ll feel even better doing an Ironman.” But we often forget that, like most things, triathlon can have a point of diminishing returns; longer distances won’t necessarily give you greater benefits in terms of enjoyment, fulfillment, meaning, or fitness. Gosh, is Ironman even enough? Now there is Xterra, double Ironman races, Ultraman, Eco-Challenge, Mt. Everest! There is always a greater challenge; harder courses, tougher conditions, faster competitors, more demanding events. When is enough enough?
We also live in a society in which many people are looking for that elusive something called happiness, self-esteem, or inner peace. We meditate, practice yoga, and, yes, race triathlons. It is easy to be seduced by the allure of life change in triathlon; everyone seems so happy and alive! Yet you may not feel that way and conclude that you just aren’t going far enough; “If I’m not finding what I’m looking for at Sprint or Olympic distances, I must not being going long enough!”
If you are looking for answers to your life’s questions at the finish line, you will probably end up frustrated and unsatisfied because those answers will, likely, not be found in an Ironman. Ironman will not stop you from running (and biking and swimming) away from your problems. Ironman won’t bring you contentment. It won’t make you a better person. You won’t love yourself more. You won’t be respected more by others. If you are doing an Ironman for the wrong reasons, it is simply not the answer to the questions that you are probably asking yourself.
“Right” Reasons
There are many good reasons for doing an Ironman. Ironman can offer you physical and mental challenges that can free you to test yourself in other areas of your life. It can inspire you, give you confidence, improve your focus, show you how to deal with emotions, and help you learn to overcome adversity. Ironman can teach you lessons about patience, perseverance, persistence, and resilience that can benefit you in your work, relationships, and other aspects of your life. And you can get great joy (the tri-high!) out of your Ironman experience.
Though the above benefits are important, they are not what Ironman triathletes talk about most when I ask them why they race Ironman distance. With almost complete unanimity, they talk about the people: the camaraderie and the bond that they feel with other Ironman triathletes. Ironman training is very social: master’s swims, long rides and runs, track workouts. Ironman races are noted for their social activities: the pre- and post-race banquets, meals out, the athlete village, the race itself (misery loves company!). Of course, the same sort of social benefits can be found in shorter triathlon training and races, though the bond and the shared experience may be less strong because the investment and suffering is not as great.
After the Race
In the weeks and months after their races, many Ironman finishers I have spoken with told me how the Ironman had changed their lives. They felt that they were different people who responded to world in new and better ways. These Ironman triathletes felt inspired, more capable, and ready to tackle their life’s challenges head on. Their appreciation of Ironman was heartfelt, and many spoke about doing another. Others said they were depressed, listless, and felt rudderless and unmotivated. These Ironman triathletes questioned the value of the race and were uncertain whether they would continue with triathlon at any distance. For some, sadly, it was their last triathlon.
My Ironman races weren’t life altering for me. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad I did them. I conquered a great challenge, I met and became friends with some wonderful people, and I will always be an Ironman. But, having done two Ironman races, I have decided that, given my overall life, the costs overshadow the benefits and I have decided not to do another Ironman for a long time if ever (never say never).
I don’t mean to sound like a downer trying to discourage you from doing an Ironman. Rather, I am trying to show you there are two sides to doing an Ironman and you don’t often hear about the “darker” side. Only you can decide whether an Ironman is worth it to you. By asking you to think twice before you step up to an Ironman, I want you to ask yourself two questions. First, do you want to do an Ironman for the right reasons? Second, within your overall life picture, will an Ironman be worth it?
Do you want to take the next step in training your mind to perform your best in training and on race day? Here are four options for you:
- Read my latest mental training book: Train Your Mind for Athletic Success: Mental Preparation to Achieve Your Triathlons Goals.
- Listen to my Train Your Mind for Athletic Success podcast.
- Take a look at my online mental training courses.
- Schedule a 1:1 session with me.