I was recently invited by Brenton Ford for a return visit (see my previous four previous visits here) to the Effortless Swimming podcast on YouTube. If you’re not familiar with Brenton, he is a rock star in the swimming world with a following of almost 300,000. His instructional videos break down swim technique so that it is both understandable and practical. I can speak first hand that he is an amazing swim coach, with Brenton having helped me tremendously to improve my own swimming.
In this, my fifth, appearance on Brenton’s YouTube podcast, I meld my professional experience with my own recent triathlon experience at the 2023 World Super-sprint and Standard-distance Championships in Pontevedra, Spain, in late September. In the podcast, I explore three mental “muscles” that I focused on and trained in my preparations for Pontevedra: intensity, focus, and mindset. I explain what the three mental muscles are, how they impact swimming and the other two triathlon events, and how you train them to get the most out of your training and race performances.
I can say with absolute confidence that exercising these three mental muscles was instrumental in earning my 3rd bronze medal in my last three World Championships.
To view Brenton’s and my conversation on his podcast, click here.