3 09, 2010

Sports: Focus Control

By | September 3rd, 2010|Categories: Sports|1 Comment

Developing focus control is essential if you’re going to ensure that your focus style (as described in the July, 2010 issue of Prime Sport Alert!) helps rather than hurts your sports performance. There are several steps in the focus-control process. First, you have to identify your focus style and understand how it impacts your sport. [...]

12 07, 2010

Sports: Understanding Focus

By | July 12th, 2010|Categories: Sports|4 Comments

Focus is the most misunderstood mental factor among athletes. Most athletes think of focus as concentrating on one thing for a long time. In fact, a number of years ago, former Australian Open tennis champion Hana Mandlikova said that she improved her game by staring at a tennis ball for ten minutes a day. She [...]

6 05, 2010

Sports: Psych-up Techniques

By | May 6th, 2010|Categories: Sports|0 Comments

Though less common, letdowns in intensity can also cause your level of performance to decline. A decrease in intensity causes all the things that enable you to perform well to disappear. Physically, you no longer have the blood flow, oxygen, and adrenaline necessary for the strength, agility, and stamina you need to perform your best. [...]

20 03, 2010

Sports: Psych-down Techniques

By | March 20th, 2010|Categories: Sports|0 Comments

It's natural to feel some increase in your intensity in a competition. You're putting yourself to the test and want to do your best. But when that increase intensity turns to anxiety that can hurt your performances, that can be a problem. But rather than just resigning yourself to feeling nervous and performing poorly, you [...]

25 02, 2010

Sports/Ski Racing: Bode Miller’s Road to Redemption

By | February 25th, 2010|Categories: Ski Racing, Sports|1 Comment

I don't know Bode Miller personally, though I know athletes and coaches who know him well. I do know alpine ski racing. I competed internationally in my youth and have worked with ski racers, ranging from juniors to Olympians, on the mental side of the sport for 25 years. And I have followed Bode's career [...]

6 01, 2010

Sports: Find Your Prime Intensity

By | January 6th, 2010|Categories: Sports|0 Comments

Prime intensity is the ideal amount of physiological activity necessary for you to perform your best. It is also the level of intensity that you perceive as most positive and beneficial to your sports performances. Unfortunately, there is no one ideal level of intensity for every athlete. Prime intensity is individual; it's different for everyone. [...]

8 12, 2009

Sports/Popular Culture: Tiger Woods: The Price of Infidelity

By | December 8th, 2009|Categories: Popular Culture, Sports|6 Comments

In the last 15 years alone, there has been Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, Jude Law, Eliot Spitzer, Kobe Bryant, Mark Sanford, Alex Rodriguez, David Letterman, the list goes on. Now, it?s d?j? vu all over again. Another successful man caught with his paws in the honey jar (pun intended). But not just any man. We?re [...]

2 12, 2009

Sports: What Makes the Great Ones Great?

By | December 2nd, 2009|Categories: Sports|2 Comments

So what do Tom Brady, LeBron James, Serena Williams, Tiger Woods, Usain Bolt, Annika Sorenstam, Michael Phelps, Lance Armstrong, and Lisa Leslie have that you don?t? This question has been on the minds of many people of late with the recent publication of Malclom Gladwell?s Outliers and Daniel Coyle?s The Talent Code. If you have [...]

11 11, 2009

Sports/Popular Culture: Is Elizabeth Lambert a Victim?

By | November 11th, 2009|Categories: Popular Culture, Sports|4 Comments

I already wrote a post about Elizabeth Lambert, the newest? member of the Sports Hall of Shame, for her unsportspersonlike behavior during a recent college soccer game. But I had another perspective I wanted to share because of all the attention she has gotten in the media. I actually feel sorry for Ms. Lambert. Don?t [...]

10 11, 2009

Sports/Popular Culture: Bravo Elizabeth Lambert…Sort Of!

By | November 10th, 2009|Categories: Popular Culture, Sports|0 Comments

Elizabeth Lambert has become an overnight sensation?but not in a good way. Thanks to the viral power of youtube, her decidedly unsportspersonlike (we can?t say unsportsmanlike any longer) behavior during a recent college soccer game has landed her in the Deplorable Behavior Hall of Fame along side such luminaries as Kermit Washington, Bill Romanowski, Mike [...]