I’m beyond thrilled that I have reached a new and immensely gratifying milestone in my blogging career: My blog posts have now been read by more than 10,000,000 people on PsychologyToday.com. That’s an average of more than 17,000 views of my 560 posts that I have written so far.
My single most read post (973, 863) was titled: How Technology is Changing the Way Children Think and Focus.
I write blog posts (and all other forms of writing) for two reasons. First, When I get an idea that I think might benefit others, I’m constitutionally incapable of not writing about it. To ignore the idea would be to ignore my true self, to reject the essence of my being. Second, my purpose and passion in life is to create and share ideas that can positive impact people’s lives. My blogging is one of fulfilling that purpose and passion.
It means so much to me that so many people see value in what I write. I’m eternally grateful to all of those 10,000,000 people who find it worth their time to read my posts.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!